Monday 12 October 2009


Well, as my sister and her other half are not posting about cheese (or any other continental food product) today on their Italian jaunt I feel I have take up the mantle and provide a daily dairy hit for anyone (if there is anyone who reads my blog).

This is more in homage to our American neighbours who bless them are not really good with cheese, although they do seem to add it to as many dishes as possible.

Colour: Atomic orange
Texture: Rubbery
Smell: Unknown

Tasting Notes: this has a very plastic taste and tends to stick to the roof of our mouth when eating, it is much better when melting over a burger.

Score: 2/10 (Good for burgers and drunken eating challenges)

The Italian Cheese Diaries is a little better...

Caio for now...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very good effort, I say. It is true, someone does need to stick up for the American contingent when it comes to cheese.

I'm pleased it's not just me that finds that it sticks to the roof of my mouth!!