Friday 23 October 2009

Briscoe's second outing...

... in an England in shirt gives another try, three now in total.

Well done to you Tom!

P.S. More cheese to come.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Out Foxed

It looks like Tony Smith in his infinite wisdom has dropped Peter Fox for Tom Briscoe.

Best of luck to Tom (and England) against the French!

(There will be a return to cheese related posts soon)

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Cheese Essentials I

Not sure if there will be a post from our Italian Cheese Diarists, but I'll leave this little bite for anyone interested.

The Ritz Cracker, one of the holy trinity of crackers, yes there are two more to come.

They don't bounce, they just shatter and they are the perfect with any cheese, over all a perfect 10!

Monday 19 October 2009

Even More Cheese

Another day without a post from our intrepid cheese boggers (The Italian Cheese Diaries), so I'm back again to fill to void and provide more
even amusement.

Update - Erm I jumped the gun and the Italian Cheese Police have blogged...

Today I offer you Dairylea spread

A classic from childhood for you all, I have chosen the classic triangles, just shows how old I am. The cows on the new packaging really worry me.

Colour: Under the bright blue
and silver packaging is a very pale firm creamy triangle of cheesiness

Tasting notes: Good with cream crackers, Ritz crackers, Rivita or and even on its own, very creamy. Mind the red plastic string/strip hidden inside to aid opening...

Bounce test: Dosn't bounce, think more of a crumple zone crash test, would be interesting to see how high to drop it from to break the silver wrapping.

Score: 6/10 (no good for nacho dipping so I had to mark it down)

Sunday 18 October 2009

More cheese

Another day without a post from our intrepid cheese boggers (The Italian Cheese Diaries), so I'm back to fill to void and provide more amusement than anything else.

Today I offer you Cheese In A Can
Another hat tip to our friends from over the Atlantic and I do when presented with things like this wonder what someone was thinking to try and create this. More worrying are the people who said "yes - what a great idea, lets market that"...

Colour: A very worrying orange that I believe is visible to the human eye from two miles even in the dark

Tasting notes: There are many things I will eat and have eaten, I'm afraid I am at this time unable to pass any judgement as to the best of my knowledge I have not eaten it... yet...

Bounce test: Win can, a good bounce at a guess, without can, more of a splat.

Reasons to be careful with a knife, 1

OK this is what happens when you loose concentration when chopping with a very sharp knife...

The years I spent trying to persuade my mum to buy really sharp cooking knives are a little wasted now.

If only there had been a little voice just before I picked up the knife... "Be careful with that, its sharp" and I may have not lost a very small part of my thumb.

On the bright side there was no blood and I only had more importantly minimal food waste.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Ice Cream

As our Italian food (The Italian Cheese Diaries) and drink blogers are currently without connection to great electric anorak that is the internet I will place my tongue back in my cheek and step in for now.
I offer you The Arctic Roll
A classic combination creamy vanilla ice cream wrapped soft sponge with a layer of jam between.

Colour: See the picture...

Tasting notes: Start with the ice cream and work your way out to the jam and sponge, mmmmmmm

Bounce test: more of a splat at a guess, wont be attempting this one

Score: 10/10

Monday 12 October 2009


Well, as my sister and her other half are not posting about cheese (or any other continental food product) today on their Italian jaunt I feel I have take up the mantle and provide a daily dairy hit for anyone (if there is anyone who reads my blog).

This is more in homage to our American neighbours who bless them are not really good with cheese, although they do seem to add it to as many dishes as possible.

Colour: Atomic orange
Texture: Rubbery
Smell: Unknown

Tasting Notes: this has a very plastic taste and tends to stick to the roof of our mouth when eating, it is much better when melting over a burger.

Score: 2/10 (Good for burgers and drunken eating challenges)

The Italian Cheese Diaries is a little better...

Caio for now...

Saturday 10 October 2009


After much research I have finally invested in a tent.

I was initially looking for lightweight backpacking tent to travel around Europe with, that is still in my sights, until then I have invested in tent I can throw in t0 my car. One with a little more space, in short more of a beginners tent.
Drum roll please for my brand new Eurohike Dart 3 (and thanks to a Millets closing down sale for a bargain price). Shown in all its glory to the right.

Admit idly I don't expect my first pitching attempt to look quite that good so there will be a few practice runs in my living room first.

I'm guessing the sunny Lake District will be one of my first stops to give this a good trial run, before then I have a pretty long list of other things I need, something to sleep on and in, cooking gear and some form of light... the list goes on and on...